Posted by Brad, Chief Explosion Officer There has been plenty of discussion on Twitter today about the newest Facebook Pages update. How it affects existing pages, how to arrange things, where non-fans should land, and more. Before you get started with any of that, take a quick look at this PDF that has been released…Read the full article
Posted by Brad, Chief Explosion Officer Last week I presented at the Innovative Branding and Marketing for Higher Education Conference over in Singapore. (You can find my slides and a video of the presentation at I knew that mobile technology in Asia was a big deal, but until you see it with your own…Read the full article
Posted by Brad, Chief Explosion Officer This post comes from a few thoughts and comments we’ve seen out in the higher ed world, and is something that Joe and I have been chatting about a lot lately. Kyle Johnson, the CTO at Guilford College, recently referred to ‘the hidden cost of social media’ in a…Read the full article
Posted by Brad Today we’ve seen a lot of chatter on Twitter about vendors, and this morning I was chatting in GTalk with Lauren from Pace. She was telling me about her frustrations with vendor demos and calls, and there were a few gems from the conversation: i avoid them so much. Use the phrase…Read the full article
Twitter is a noisy place, this we know. And as more people join, as you follow and interact with more people, there is a greater chance that tweets will get lost in the shuffle and you will miss them. Lucky for you, there are several tools available to make sure you never miss a mention,…Read the full article